Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Are things really that bad?

The other morning I was wide awake at 4:30am. After trying to get back to sleep for about half an hour, I decided to web surf a bit. There was a group on Facebook that I had been wanting to check out for awhile and always forgot to do it. So I looked it up and found this little gem that had been posted from YouTube.

The man speaking is Gary Keller, Chairman and Founder of Keller Williams Realty, the nation’s 4th largest real estate company. I first got to see him speak shortly after I joined Keller Williams in 2000. Since then, every opportunity I get to see him speak, I do all I can to be there. Gary has amazing insights into the real estate business and life in general. Once he starts talking, I am always fully tuned in.

We find ourselves in unusual times. The stock market has been on a wild ride: DJIA from a high of 14,000 down to 8,500 in relatively short order. Oil has gone from its peak this past summer of $140 to $70 per barrel today! And our government has committed us to bail out the financial markets to the tune of $750 billion. By the way, no guaranty it will work. Interest rates move all over the page.

Of course my focus, and that of Gary Keller, is the real estate market. Talk about tough times on a national level. At least here in the Northwest it’s not as bad as other places. (I’ve seen reports of houses selling for $25,000, price of a car, in Detroit!).

One of the things he brings up is that times like now are when fortunes are made. Stocks and real estate are at sale prices. In fact, this is even better than the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, Ikea’s It Only Happens Twice A Year Sale, or any number of the holiday sales. Warren Buffet is talking about buying.

So, enjoy this clip. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Roger A. Berger

Roger Berger is a veteran real estate professional in both Sales and Lending. He specializes in the following cities: Federal Way, Kent, Auburn, Renton, Des Moines, Burien, West Seattle, Seattle, Tacoma, Browns Point, Puyallup, Sumner, and Lake Tapps. He provides services through Keller Williams Realty in Renton, WA and Matison Mortgage Professionals in Puyallup, WA.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Roger's October 10th Best Buys

Over the last few weeks I have been out checking out homes on the market. There are some really good deals out there. I will be doing a regular update as I find great values out in the market. Just click on the picture or highlighted text.

Here are my October 10th picks:

Has this really been lived in? When I first waked in, I had to stop and ask myself that question. This home is in a great neighborhood with easy access to Hwy 18, I5, and Hwy 167. This is a great value at $334,950.

A block off the beach! This new construction home in Brown’s Point is wonderful. Excellent floor plan. Exquisite finishing’s. View. Location. And for those who don’t like stairs, it even has an elevator. Well priced at $885,000.

Need handicapped access? Then look no further. This home is in a 55+ community, has a ramp to the front door, wide access to bathrooms and kitchen, and all on one level. Very spacious and open. Even has a little back yard for your little doggie to run around. Best price in the neighborhood at $290,000.

These last two are in Stone Creek, a neighborhood just off Enchanted Parkway and a few minutes from Costco, the new Crossings Shopping Center, Home Depot, Lowes, and a host of other services. These homes were built in 2004 & 2005. These are built by Zetterberg, a builder known for high end quality homes. These would be perfect homes for those ready to move up to more space and luxury. Check out the prices!

Main Floor Master. This is a 2004 Zetterberg resale. Where are you going to find this amount of 1st Class square footage (3030 per KCR) for $425,000?

What a backyard! Traditional floor plan, lots of hardwoods, just beautiful. You’ve got to see this backyard complete with water feature. A good value at $449,995.

I you would like to see these homes or get more information, call me. I would love to help you purchase one of these or one of the other homes on the market.

Roger A. Berger

Roger Berger is a veteran real estate professional in both Sales and Lending. He specializes in the following cities: Federal Way, Kent, Auburn, Renton, Des Moines, Burien, West Seattle, Seattle, Tacoma, Browns Point, Puyallup, Sumner, and Lake Tapps. He provides services through Keller Williams Realty in Renton, WA and Matison Mortgage Professionals in Puyallup, WA.

Monday, October 6, 2008

What a Weekend. Now it's Monday

WOW! What a weekend and what a Monday!

Last Friday saw the House of Respresentatives pass the updated bailout/rescuse/corporate welfare bill. Our illustrious president signed it within hours of passage. I find it appalling that the House rejected it Monday, then the Senate adds $150B in “sweetners” aka pork, and the House turns around and approves it. Is there any responsibility left anywhere?

I was watching CNBC this morning when the CEO of Coldwell Banker was interviewed. Typical real estate executive interview. What got my attention was him acknowledging that “W” had just spoken and he was hoping that he would “inspire the nation with his words.” Are you kidding? The president with the lowest approval rating of all time? The only president in recent time where there is an industry promoting his last day in office?

Then comes along Richard Fuld, CEO of now bankrupt Lehman Brothers, in a hearing in front of the House Committee on Oversight and Government. This man could not even, or would not, answer questions about his compensation! It looked like he did not even know how much money he made. What? Who is that dumb? Chairman Waxman made the point that it looked like Fuld and others on Wall Street wanted to privatize gains and socialize losses – good point.

And now at Noon, we find the DJIA down around 700 points to a level not seen since 2003. Good news? Oil is down to around $90/barrell. 10 year Treasury Bond at about 3.46%. And the election is less than one month away.

I wish I knew what to make of all of this. What I am sure of is that there are great opportunities out there. Of course I am speaking from a real estate perspective. Mortgage rates are great. Yes you can still get one. Real estate prices are great.

Want to buy a car? I’ll bet you can get a great deal right now. Get your car loan at your credit union and go shopping.

Saving your money is good too. FDIC has raised it’s insurance limit to $250,000 as part of the bailout bill. Financial advisors will tell you now is the time to buy stocks and mutual funds “on sale”. (Good if you have a long term perspective).

Let’s all keep our wits about us as we go through this period. Turn off the TV and talk radio. Focus on what matters. Take another look at my posts on my BLOG through my website.

Make it a great day!

Roger A. Berger

Roger Berger is a veteran real estate professional in both Sales and Lending. He specializes in the following cities: Federal Way, Kent, Auburn, Renton, Des Moines, Burien, West Seattle, Seattle, Tacoma, Browns Point, Puyallup, Sumner, and Lake Tapps. He provides services through Keller Williams Realty in Renton, WA and Matison Mortgage Professionals in Puyallup, WA.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

A friend of mine, who I have known since 1981, on her Facebook page, wrote the following comments:

Suzy Doe is stressed about the economy. (Name has been changed to protect the author)

Adding to my stress about the economy. . .
Last week I had Chinese food for dinner one evening and the fortune I pulled out of my fortune cookie said, "You shouldn't overspend at the moment. Frugality is important.". What the hell? Way to spoil my dinner out! Does this damn cookie know something I don't?

Here are our exchanges:

Remember that slogan from Dean Lee Honda back in '87? It's my new slogan:
Everything's Gonna Be OK!

No, I don't remember the slogan. I'm not sure I can believe it. I had to turn off talk radio today because it was stressing me out.

Suzy Doe and Everyone Else…

PLEASE, turn the talk radio off! How do you think those people make their money? It's all about scare tactics and fear. For some reason, we humans are attracted like moths to light regarding bad news. In the good old days we only had the 3 major networks. Now we have cable, a bazillion radio stations, satellite radio, and the omnipresent Internet.

Talk radio in general is a downer. I have listened to both left and right. The anger those people express is scary. If I listen to too much, there ain't no anti-depressant that will offset that venom. Even one of our local talk radio hosts who used to be entertaining has gone down the anti-this and anti-that road. He seems pissed off at everything. I can only take 5-10 minutes at a time!

If you are going to listen to talk radio, then try something a little more positive. Get Satellite and listen to Oprah and Friends (Oprah only on for 1 hour of shows per week). One of the best talk stations I have ever heard. There are also other alternative talk stations.

Get books on tape. Go to and buy an audio program. I love their stuff. I'm finding Gregg Braden very interesting right now. Love Marianne Williamson. Need skills, buy Brian Tracy. Want a better outlook? Jim Rohn is the man. (He is the one who introduced me to the idea that politicians really are irrelevant to our day to day lives. Amen.)

Do something good with your time on the road.

Bail-out, schmail-out! I really don't believe that "trickle down" idea will "trickle down" for those of us out on the front lines. No one is talking about how that really will do anything for anyone other than the fat cats on Wall Street.

Is your Chinese food restaurant giving you bad messages in the fortune cookies? Go to a different place! It's Chinese for heaven's sake. Go with the conspirists and believe it's a way for them to buy out the US and we fall to their rule.

You are a poster child for getting one's life in order. You say you are financially conservative. You moved from an insanely high cost area. You're smart. You've proven value to your company.

Don't like any of that? Then go to iTunes and buy REM's "It's The End of the World As We Know It (and I Feel Fine)". Listen to that then drive off the road. Buy stock in the company that owns Kleenex - you may need to use lots of their product.

Best we can do is do our best and focus on what matters to us. Take time for yourself, your friends, and family. Smile. Do something nice for someone. Now more than ever, we need to put some bumper sticker psychology to work: Practice random acts of kindness and senseless beauty.

Roger A. Berger
Associate Broker: Keller Williams Realty - Southeast Sound (Renton, WA) Senior Mortgage Consultant: Matison Mortgage Professionals LLC

Roger Berger is a veteran real estate professional in both Sales and Lending. He specializes in the following cities: Federal Way, Kent, Auburn, Renton, Des Moines, Burien, West Seattle, Seattle, Tacoma, Browns Point, Puyallup, Sumner, and Lake Tapps. He provides services through Keller Williams Realty in Renton, WA and Matison Mortgage Professionals in Puyallup, WA.